Thursday, March 16, 2017

Groupama Team France become the fifth of the six America’s Cup teams to launch their AC50 in Bermuda

Monday 13th March saw Groupama Team France become the fifth of the six America’s Cup teams to launch their America’s Cup Class (ACC) boat into Bermudian waters for the first time, another milestone ticked off in the countdown to the 35th America’s Cup.

Crédit : E Stichelbaut

The French team now have their base in Bermuda’s Dockyard up and running and plan to take their ACC boat for its first sail later this week.

More to come when Franck Gammas and his crew join ORACLE TEAM USA, SoftBank Team Japan, Artemis Racing and Land Rover BAR testing their ACC boats on Bermuda’s Great Sound.

More pictures, here

From America's Cup